A Collection of Not-So-Classic Stuff
Yes, I write - not as well as I'd like to, but I do write.
Here, you'll find some of the things I've written.
You're free to read them, and you're free to tell a friend about the site if you see something you like, but you may NOT copy or use any of this material.
Plagiarism is a serious crime, and I don't like being anyone's ghost writer.
Having said that, I bid you: read on!
- Christmas Past - The history of our winter holidays.
The writing is mine, from notes I took while attending a Western Humanities class.
- The Epic of Trendy Gal - During the holidays, people are often out and about, shopping for gifts.
I thought this old piece of mine would be appropriate for the season.
- Fugue Projects - Fugue is a web ring of artists and writers involved in a collaboration.
Every month, a project assignment is given, and each member is free to express themselves in art, design, or writing.
- Movie Reviews - I go to the movies at least once a week, and I try to avoid anything I know I'll hate.
My taste in movies won't necessarily match yours, but knowing someone else's opinion about a particular film certainly can't hurt.