
1999.10.21 - Well, the October project assignment for Fugue is out, and we're asked about what we covet. Whew! How many days can you spare? I'll be thinking about that one for a while before I actually start it, trying to narrow down my most-wanted list to a few hundred items.

Ah, me. I'm so materialistic.

Other things I will ponder: whether or not people are actually slogging through my little "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. That fragmented piece (or pieces) of story writing is what kept me from putting this site up earlier, and it would break my heart if no one actually tried their hand at it. Like anyone else on the street, I'd like my investments in time to pay off somehow.

Case in point: I've already completed the site's winter layout, including a little DHTML "egg" of my own for those who actually take the time to look through the entire site, but I wonder if it's even worth the trouble. Will anyone care? Will anyone actually go through the trouble of looking for it? I guess I'll find out when I put the winter site up.

But, oh - what a trivial thing to be worrying about when people are starving in third world countries!

I should ponder about the meaning of life. Yes, that's it. The meaning of life. Here it is... Life is what you make of it.


That was incredibly easy.

Anyway, here's the site info if you need it. Everything else on the site should be self-explanatory.

Enjoy. >>>