Shorter Days

1999.09.26 - I feel old. Students have started school again this quarter and are getting acquainted with a new set of teachers, friends, and class schedules. They have a set agenda, provided for them by the board, their parents, and other responsible adults. Meanwhile, I'm treading water in the real world, hoping I'll be saved by a cruise ship. I know everyone's supposed to swim the long way to the shore of retirement, but damn it - I'm lazy.

For those of you who know me: How the heck are you? Long time no see. Send me a note, why don't you?

For those of you who don't: I wonder about you.

But I digress. This season is a time for warm football sweaters and season premieres, for J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, for Halloween and Thanksgiving, for "Autumn Leaves", and for those to whom "fall" means new beginnings and not the beginning of the end...

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