Woe Is Me

1999.10.06 - Yup. It's like I'm in school again. Did you notice the number of visitors to this site? Pathetic, isn't it?

Oh, well. I was never popular in school. Never mind that I was somewhat cute, a cheerleader, and an honor student; jocks and preppies simply never called me their fantasy or made me their queen. I guess I should expect the same in the cyber world. My site's about as popular as a zit on senior picture day.

So if you want popular, go visit Karyn or Beverly. Their designs are always beautiful, and their numbers are always high. Prom and homecoming queen material... no doubt.

Thank heavens I'm all grown up and working in the real world, or I'd never have the maturity to take it in stride. I mean, I'm on here simply to have a purpose for writing, consistently and on deadline, whether there is freelance work to do or not. But...

Oh, who am I kidding?! I want more traffic.

End of story. >>>