Write On!

1999.10.08 - If there is only one thing at which I excel, it would have to be clumsiness. If there are two things, well... then the second would have to be doing an assignment piece.

I've always done pretty well under pressure, for a grade or for an audience. My creative, on-my-own, during-my-free-time, stuff is usually pretty terrible by comparison. Force me to do it and by golly, I'm suddenly a contender for the Nobel Prize.

Well, okay. So I'm exaggerating. The truth is that if it weren't an assignment, I wouldn't do it; I'm that lazy.

For example, exercise? Take a dance class. I'll worry so much about the grade, I'll force myself to do aerobic activity.

The same goes for my writing and art. Having no purpose to write or design, I won't. Make it an assignment, and all of a sudden I'm writing the Great American Novel.

No, really.

That's why I've joined a webring. Why not check it out? I'm really looking forward to getting involved and creating again.

It's called...

Again, this site is dedicated to you. >>>