Prince Valium

Your name is Valium, and you are a prince of olden times. You are good-looking, yes, and smart, too. Your only fault is in having parents who would actually name you Valium, of all things. Who knows why parents name their kids the way they do.

But that's beside the point.

You're Prince Valium, and you're walking in a thick forest, contemplating a name change, when you notice an old man approaching you. His hair is shockingly white, and his beard tapers down almost to his knees. As he leans on his walking stick, it looks as though he's got the weight of the entire world on his shoulders, until you realize that it's only a large burlap sack. You wonder what he's carrying.

"Good day," you greet him.

"What's it to ya," he replies.

Oh, well. You can't please everyone. You shrug and move aside, intending to let the old man pass without further incident, but he takes his walking stick and taps you on your firm behind. "Hold it," he says. "I'm in need of a strong, young prince."

"Uh," you say, not wanting to offend him. "I'm not like that at all."

The old man scowls. "Not for me, you imbecile. There are damsels in distress that need your help."

"Oh?" Your comment is uttered only to humor him and not out of any real interest. After all, you've already assumed that the old man is cuckoo and a pervert.

"Yes, indeedy!" cries the geezer. "Why, just over that hill is a castle in slumber. A princess sleeps and has been dreaming of her savior for a hundred years. What say you take this quest and go save her, huh?"

"A 100-year-old princess?" you ask. "You've got to be kidding."

"Think 'cryogenic'" says the old man. "She's physically about 16 years old and very beautiful. You save her, and you get to marry her, inherit her father's kingdom and all that."


"So what do you say, huh? Do you want to save her or not?"

You tell him...