Stranger And Stranger

1999.11.13 - I see a trend. Movies are getting stranger and stranger.

Last weekend, I saw "Being John Malkovich", and this weekend, I just saw "Dogma". Both are very good, by the way -- especially "Being John Malkovich".

Don't get me wrong. I like strange. My first rejection letter was for a manuscript that had "strange" written all over it. Hmm... I remember my query letter saying something about a witch fighting sausages; I wonder why it was rejected.

Oh, well. I was young. I had other story ideas to pitch.

But now I'm seeing "strange" seeping into the mainstream. "There's Something About Mary" was a little quirky. "Fight Club", with its pyshcological twist, is strange. And I just saw movie trailers for even stranger stuff coming soon to a theater near you.

Well, Hollywood does have a new generation of writers -- Generation X, like me. Maybe it's just a bi-product of being born during a certain time.

Hmm... something about power lines and carcinogens, maybe?
