
Sometimes, the best way to get to know a person is to gauge their answers to certain kinds of questions. I've come across a lot of these kinds of questions over the years, and more often than not the final analysis of my answers are surprisingly accurate.

Below you'll find sets of questions that were posed to me at one time or another, and beside them you'll find my answers. Feel free to come up with your own answers as you read the questions, especially the "favorites" set; the analysis of the answers is included.

The Favorites Set

What's your favorite animal?
  • Cat
Give three reasons why
hint: use adjectives
  1. Cats are cute and cuddly.
  2. Cats are intelligent.
  3. Cats are mischievous.

What's your favorite color?
  • Red
Give three reasons why
  1. Red is warm and passionate.
  2. Red is energetic.
  3. Red is bright.

What's your favorite body of water?
  • A River (any river)
Give three reasons why
  1. Rivers vary; they're never the same. Sometimes they're shallow; sometimes they're deep. Sometimes they're cool and smooth; sometimes they're rough and wild.
  2. Rivers give life; they nourish the land through which they run.
  3. Rivers have a goal; they all flow into the ocean or a lake.

Analysis of the Answers

If you haven't already answered the questions on your own, you might want to do so now. Below is an explanation of what the answers reveal.

What's your favorite animal?
Examine the three reasons for liking the animal, especially the adjectives. This is how you see yourself.

What's your favorite color?
Examine the three reasons for liking the color, especially the adjectives. This is how others see you.

What's your favorite body of water?
Examine the three reasons for liking the body of water, especially the adjectives. This is what you think of sex.

How this test works

This test only seems to work if the one answering doesn't know how his answers will be analyzed. Anyone who knows how his responses will be interpreted will sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, manipulate their answers to satisfy their expectation of the analysis.

The answers I've posted were the answers I gave when I was first asked the questions. If someone else happened to ask me the same questions at a later time, I'd say, "I've already been asked that, but here is how I answered the first time, when I didn't know what the answers would mean." Then I would give them the answers that you've just read above.

What I've heard others answer

Because this test seemed accurate enough about my own character, I found myself asking other people the same questions to see what they would reveal. A lot of the answers I got were pretty interesting. Here are a couple of them:

My first boyfriend
His favorite animal was the wolf for these reasons: it's loyal; it's a loner; and it's self-sufficient.

A young teenager
His favorite body of water was the Gulf of Mexico for these reasons: it's cool (as in trendy); it's hot (temperature-wise); and he'd never been there before (must have been a virgin).

The Actor's Studio Set

Every now and then I watch "Inside the Actor's Studio" with James Lipton. He does in-depth interviews/conversations/biographies with successful actors, and making up the audience are young aspiring actors.

At the end of every interview, Lipton asks the actor the following questions. I'm no actress, but I've included my own answers.
  1. What is your favorite word? Jabberwocky
  2. What is your least favorite word? Alzheimer's
  3. What turns you on or what is your favorite thing? Wit
  4. What turns you off? Intolerance
  5. What sound or noise do you love? Laughter, pure and unadulterated, especially that of children when they're being tickled pink
  6. What sound or noise do you hate? Terrified screams, or fingernails on chalkboard
  7. What is your favorite curse word? Dagnabit
  8. What professions other than acting would you like to attempt? Computer Animation
  9. What profession would you not like to do? Prison Warden
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive? "You're going back as a newborn. How would you like to be, and what kind of parents do you want?"

    What I've heard others answer

    Some actors have come up with answers that really touch me. Here are some of them:

    Q: What is your favorite word?
    Tom Hanks: Daddy.

    Q: What is your least favorite word?
    Actor (I can't remember who it was): Cancer.

    Q: If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive?
    Tom Hanks: "Nuh-uh-uh! Back you go!"
    Laurence Fishburne: "Well done. Well done."
    (Obviously, Fishburne wants to be God's short order cook.)

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