1-31-95 5:35pm

I've only just now started--truly started--the journal because before now, I haven't really had much time for homework. In fact, the only work that I've been turning in regularly was for French 2A--a pretty demanding course.

I've always thought of poetry or journal writing as something that's written in a time of meditation, a time that's free and leisurely. I've never really considered it to be something that's written in between classes or right before going to work.

I have 17 units this quarter, and I work 25 hours a week. I also teach piano to 7 students--a half-hour for each student, each week. I'm a busy, busy girl. I've been busy since a little after high school--exactly about the time I stopped writing epic poetry and doggerel, humorous poetry and poetry so deep that a stone thrown in wouldn't be heard to land.

But I've cut my hours at work, and I'm finally writing. I'm even making up for missing the first assignments...

Here they are in all their glory:

Assignment #1

Part One of Two
"Perversion of Ancient Rites"

oombé wahpé ahnoom boowépooh
shawnem bah doowégoh
oombé wahpé ahnoom boowépooh
shawnem bah doowégoh
ma-booh-ti ni-wé-goh
indé ah noowégoh
ma-booh-ti ni-wé-goh
indé ah noowégoh

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