First Post in 2010

First Post in 2010

I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged on a regular basis. This year I have no resolutions to amend that fact. I have to be prepared for a lot of changes this year, so I’m leaving myself open for all kinds of possibilities by not making any promises which I’m not sure I can keep. H.E. has taken up some new work endeavors, and it could mean moving again and more travel. We also have a kitten in the household, and in less than three months she has managed to take over our lives.

The kitten — who is a black and white tuxedo cat that we’ve named Sox — is likely the biggest reason why I haven’t kept up with my old activities. She’s more catlike than Cat, meaning she’ll actually play with keyboards and balls of yarn; so it’s been difficult to work at my computer or at my newfound hobby of knitting. I’ve had to put a lot of that aside. She’s also in a biting phase — practicing her skills in hunting and killing the wild deer, no doubt — so even if I resort to writing or drawing by hand, on actual paper, I’ll find I have to stop abruptly when the movement of the pen suddenly attracts her, or I risk getting mauled by the little tigress in the black morning coat.

Plus, she’ll eat almost anything, so in her third week here, she got really sick — so sick that she stopped eating and drinking altogether, and we had to take her to the vet to get hydrated via a catheter. Turned out that her potassium levels were high, and the vet suspected renal problems; he kept asking us if we had any plants in the house that she may have eaten, but our thumbs are so black that even fake plastic flowers die a horrible death — so no, we couldn’t even look to that as a cause. It took an entire week before she started feeling better again, and we still don’t even know what she could have possibly ingested to make her so ill. Probably she ate her own farts, which — I’ve got to tell you — are kind of deadly. She’s cute as all heck, but she’s got worse gas problems than my late grandmother ever had, which wouldn’t be such a huge problem if she (the kitten, not my grandmother) didn’t love sleeping on my neck and chest so much with her Kim Kardashian cat butt right under my nose.

Let’s not even mention the grief the kitten puts Cat through — the older cat is every day on the verge of a mental breakdown now that there’s another ball of fur with teeth and claws in the house.

So that’s where I’m at right now.

Next week, I’ll be flying back to Maryland for a few days. Next month, I’ll be doing another workshop with Anne Cain, Crocodesigns, and Christine M. Griffin. After that, taxes. Joy, oh, joy!

Here’s to hoping you’re all having a great year so far…

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6 thoughts on “First Post in 2010

  1. Whooopppi! She finally has time to post new stuff!
    Have a great trip and plenty of layers. It is going to be cooolldd!
    Love you!!

  2. Nice to see that you haven’t dropped off the face of the earth. 🙂 A household with two cats is certainly thrilling. Around here it’s two cats and two grandkids – Jinx terrorizes Cinder and my grandkids terrorize him in return. 🙂

  3. I loved your cat description. I can see her in my mind’s eye. A friend of mine has two cats about the same age difference as yours (one mature, one a baby). They play chase every night before bed, tearing up the house by running full speed ahead around the perimeter in every open room. Then the older cat plops down on her favorite rug, and just twitches the end of her tail while the little one runs and jumps over her, back and forth until she wears herself out. LOL

    Cats rock.

  4. Love, love, love the farting reference. You had me at Sox – sounds so adorable.

  5. Great to have a new post. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out to be the ‘last post of 2010’ as well!!

    Did you watch the Super Bowl tonight? Great game. Really happy for New Orleans the city and Drew Brees in particular. Never really liked Peyton either although I have no good reason for that feeling.

    How was your trip to Maryland? Good thing you aren’t there now. 15 plus inches of snow? Sounds pretty unbelievable.

    How about your hair? I don’t guess you’ve had it trimmed? How long is it now? Still down to your calves or is it even longer now?

  6. Awww .. glad to hear Sox has recovered 😀 They’re such delightful creatures 😀 We have the two boys who are 11 this year and have slowed down somewhat 😀 The kids are pestering me for another kitten. But I’m sure one will find us in due time 😀

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