Death! Destruction! Chaos! Okay, Gotta Go, Ba-Bye.

Death! Destruction! Chaos! Okay, Gotta Go, Ba-Bye.

Human Encyclopedia never leaves me voice mail messages at work. Never. So when I discovered a voice mail message from him today, I was understandably concerned.

H.E.: I was getting ready to go out and do my errands, and I heard this big kaboom-crunch, which is the distinctive sound that an airplane makes when it hits the ground. And then a couple of seconds later there was another kaboom-crunch. Same sound. I figured it was the kids slamming the dumpsters out here because they were doing that earlier.

There was a mid-air just over the hill here in Carlsbad, and that was what I was hearing. I was hearing the two planes crashing into the canyon. Oy. So they ran into each other. Perfectly clear here, and one of them was on an instrument flight thing so he shouldn’t have been around another airplane. What a shame.

But that makes a distinctive sound when an airplane hits the ground. You hear like a clunk-kaboom, and there was a big explosion. Amazing.

See you later. I’m going to do my errands. Bye.

I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that except laugh. Then, of course, I replayed the voice mail message about umpteen times and shared it with the guys at work.

I know. I know. I’m so easily amused. Death! Destruction! Chaos! Okay, Gotta Go, Ba-Bye. It was surreal.

Since we’re on the topic of things that amuse me, here’s what people were looking for on my site yesterday. Please note the third line from the bottom. I have never had that happen to me, and I certainly have never written about it.

Well… not here, anyway.

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5 thoughts on “Death! Destruction! Chaos! Okay, Gotta Go, Ba-Bye.

  1. Don’t know how I got here (hell, I don’t know where I am), but I have found your writing most pleasing.

    Your wit and style reflects intelligence and awareness seldom found on the web.

    Looking through your older works so an evolution of curiosity and youth to your current graces of charm and eloquence.

    You have done well grasshopper.


  2. And voilĂ —my day has been made. Thank you, Warren. :o)
    By the way, you are in alien country. ;o)

  3. Cat shit. . .

    I wonder where the hell they got that from too. . .

    Interesting, to say the least.

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