April’s Weakly

April’s Weakly

I should have named this log “April’s Weakly”; I only seem to write anything for it about once a week, and whatever it is that I write is always so lame — weak, weak, weak. I’m not even sure that I should be referring to it as a “web log” per se; just the other day, I ran across Robot Wisdom’s definition of a web log and realized that this little plot of web space (the one that you see here) is anything but.

First of all, I don’t post links to other sites (with the exception of the above). I just don’t have anything new or interesting to share by way of web articles or novelty sites; I don’t even surf the net, for crying out loud (let alone pre-surf the net for someone else) — I mean, I have things to do! In other words, I don’t log the web for the benefit of all net-kind; my site is not a portal to other sites, and neither is it a tour guide to the more interesting, scenic pages out there. If you’re here for that, ohhh…. god help you because I think you’ve reached a dead-end; kindly make a U-turn because I just can’t help you.

So “April’s Weakly” seems appropriate, doesn’t it?

Speaking of which…

The word “weak” brings to mind a few thoughts that I had the other day about the difference between men and women (the women being typically labeled as “the weaker sex”). I’m not sure what it was that brought me to that train of thought; either I’d just completed my timesheet for work and was thinking about my paycheck (If I were a man, I’d probably be getting paid more), or I’d just gotten out of the shower while singing a number from the musical “Flower Drum Song” (I enjoy be-ing a girl!). Hmm… probably the latter.

But I thought about how much more men get paid on the average for the same kind of work, which really didn’t bother me… until I thought about how much more women spend on the average for the same kind of products.

Razors, for instance. Why the heck are women’s razors more expensive?! It’s bad enough that women have to buy them more often than men do (we have more surface area to shave, go figure), but then to have to pay more for the product itself? Is it the pink dye on those plastic handles? If so, leave the pink off! I don’t care what color they are. I always end up buying the cheaper disposable men’s razors because I really don’t need or want that wider handle on the women’s razors; I can’t even figure out what that’s supposed to be for. A better grip? There’s nothing wrong with my grip, and besides my hand is smaller than a man’s — not bigger.

And underwear — isn’t it enough that women have to wear more of it than men do? No, of course not. Whether it’s a bra or hosiery, it’s ch-ching! for the industry. Men don’t wear make-up (with a few exceptions, I know), but women do; even though I wear only lipstick, that’s three dollars I have to shell out that men don’t ever have to worry about. Shampoo — longer hair means more shampoo, while blow-dried and styled hair means even more expensive shampoo. Nails? Enough said. Menstruation? Same thing. Cosmetics, hair products, lotions, nail products, feminine hygiene, and so much more! Go into any grocery or department store and stroll the aisles — especially anything to do with health and hygiene, all mostly targeted towards women.

I just don’t get it. Women get paid less, but they spend more. Just whose idea was that anyway?

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