Job Security for Personal Assistants Worldwide
I’m an airhead.
No. I take that back. With tutors, training, and a lot of ginkgo biloba injections I might be upgraded to airhead. Right now, I merely strive to reach the level of airheadedness.
Two months ago, I made an appointment with an osteopath to figure out what’s wrong with my back. I wrote down the date and time of the appointment, and then I told my creative director that I had to see the doctor on August 2nd at 8:30 a.m.
That’s all fine and dandy, except that when August 1st came around, I checked my notes and discovered that I’d written August 20th, not 2nd. Oh. Hmm. I told my creative director that I was coming in on time the next day after all. I would, however, be late on the 20th.
All well and good, so I thought. Last night, the 19th, I made arrangements so I wouldn’t wake up too early the next morning, this morning. So, I woke up a little later, got ready to see the doctor, and when I went to find the address to the doctor’s office, I discovered that I’d written 4:30 p.m. for my appointment, not 8:30 a.m. as I’d thought.
So I e-mail the art department guys at work and tell them I’m coming in late and leaving early. And then I tell them I’m an airhead.
Only one of the four guys I e-mailed disagreed with me. No, you’re not an airhead, he wrote back. You’re a froonette!
Mind you, froonette is his made-up word, a female version of froon. Looking the word up on the net, I find that Froon is the name of some imaginary town in some computer game called Beyond Zork.
Zork rhymes with Dork. Appropriate, no?
Actually… with a lot of hard work and guidance, I might be upgraded to dork. For now, you can call me job security for personal assistants worldwide.
And that’s being generous.
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4 thoughts on “Job Security for Personal Assistants Worldwide”
Well, April, if it makes you feel any better – you’re not alone.
I showed up early to work one day and had a problem getting into Lotus Notes, particularly the calendar section. I called the help desk, hung out, sipped my coffee and waited for a call back. A simple glitch in the network was taken care of and Lotus Notes opened for me. I received a "You Missed An Alarm" notice. It was for 30 minutes earlier. I was supposed to be at a class 20 minutes away. DOH! I SO need a PDA. That, or some fuzzy little mammal to follow me around and bite me in the ass every time I forget something! Bet I’ll start remembering things quick!
De ja vu.
lol, you are so my twin.
I once "lost" my passport, three hours before I’d to leave for the airport to catch my flight to Amsterdam.
After panicking and searching the whole house upside-down, the passport was finally discovered — by chance. I opened the fridge to get a glass of cold water, and voila; The passport was in the fridge! I must have been holding it while getting something out of the fridge earlier, and wanting a free hand, I probably kept the passport on the fridge shelf. And then forgot all about it.
GrrlDog, Tami, and Minnie… I feel ever so much better now, thanks. 🙂
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