I love palindromes. I just do.

Race car. A Toyota. Madam, I’m Adam. Able was I, ere I saw Elba. A man, a plan, a canal, Panama. Did Hannah say as Hannah did?

Now I’m adding All iz Zilla.

Iz, you say? Who cares about spelling, really.

I’ve always been fascinated by words and the many, many ways that they can be manipulated. I love word games and riddles, poetry and puns. I’m not always very good at them, but I like them just the same.

I’ve played around with the games on this page, and I’ve recently discovered this one. If I see a newspaper hanging around, I might look for Jumble or the crossword puzzle. I recently discovered anagrams, thanks to Dave.

But the best kind of wordplay around is the improvised one-liner—witty quips and repartee, plays on words that get built upon with each response. The catch? You have to surround yourself with people who can play; otherwise it’s no fun at all. No fun at all.

I also love coining words—you know, make them up as you go along. What, you think Jabberwocky comes from some combination of Latin root words or something? Take pieces of one word, and mix them with another. Goober and ubermensch, for instance, make goobermensch, the ultimate supergoober.

No one owns part of a word. Use it how you like it. Add it to your name, even. If it’s a unique combination, it’s your creation. Yours. Illustrate it however you like. That illustration’s yours, too. If some goobermensch rains on your parade and tries to take that away from you, eat them. Just eat them. Roast them over a hot fire and bon appétit.

But be sure to watch your fingers. O, hot Toho!

Ah, yes… those palindromes again.

You see? I love word games.

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8 thoughts on “ALL IZ ZILLA

  1. Check out NPR’s Sunday Edition 2nd hour, 40 minute mark. Will Shortz of the NYT Crossword has a weekly word puzzle segment. You can see past ones at the NPR site under that program name. Some are a snap, some are virtually impossible.

  2. Sorry for the anuzilla, but it’s supposed to be –mensch, not –mench 🙂

  3. Kami, 😉
    Minnie, cool link! Thanks! 🙂
    Dave, you inspired it. 😉
    Linkmeister, thanks for the tip! I’ll go looking for the NPR site now.

    And Jan, Jan, Jan…. 🙂 I’ve been wondering about that spelling for months now, and you have just put me out of my misery. Thank you!

  4. The alien image was fabulous before — this new variant is pretty darn funny on top of it.

    I really like your illustrations — they are compelling.

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