Anticipate Aggravating Wordsmithery

Anticipate Aggravating Wordsmithery


Undertaking hedonistic insanity, remembering occasional, incredibly exceptional, historical activities:

Unitary, Duplicitous, Three-dimensioned syllabaries.

Illiterate? Misunderstand complicated information?

Advocating intelligent, undivided, meditative observation. Encouraging qualifying commentary, exemplary imitative fabrication. Epenthesis unauthorized. Experiment! Participate!


Commendable accomplishment. Satisfaction. Accidental sinusitis (nevertheless, apologizing).

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6 thoughts on “Anticipate Aggravating Wordsmithery

  1. Existential adumbration, pedestrian; impoverished theatrical entertainer
    Aggrandizing, agonising intervally,
    Culminating inaudibly: narratively
    Imbecilic, overflowing reverberance, indignation,
    Representing oblivion.

    Apologies: Positively nonsensical, alveolarly satisfying; Shakespearean references notwithstanding.

  2. Prevalently insufficient 2 emulating an incandescent languor. Cloaked by obscurless animation.
    Evading a non-sensical, continence thru parsimonious aspirations; Only 2b Forsaken by an indisposed, opaqueness. Followed by sinister revelations & ensued with a deleterious disposition 2ward the antagonistic!
    2 thine own self B true! Veracious Adanna.

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