Another Item in my Bedroom

Another Item in my Bedroom


When poked in the tummy, says he twice, “Hee, hee, hee, hee! Hee, hee, hee, hee! That tickles!” Then he shakes as he giggles, and he falls off my chest of drawers, onto a pink-pawed giraffe, and into the trash can below. Whee!

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2 thoughts on “Another Item in my Bedroom

  1. Bill’s mom bought an Elmo that did that for Lex when she was a year old. It was cute the first couple of months but after that, Elmo mysteriously lost his batteries. 🙂

    Why did they never have a Grover version? I LOVE Grover.

  2. LOL, lucky for H.E., who gave me Elmo, I’m not one year old … or he’d be hearing Elmo giggling 24/7. 🙂

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