I still eat kiddie cereals every now and then. I get the tiny travel-sized boxes so they don’t get stale in between my infrequent cereal moods. I guess that’s why the guy at the grocery store assumed I had kids.

“Picking up the kid at three today?” he asked me as he rang up my items at the checkout lane.

“Uh, no,” I replied, confused because I’d totally forgotten I had the cereal there and couldn’t figure out why he’d say that. “It’s just me and the cat.”

And because I’d forgotten about the cereal, my mind was a bewildered storm of questions. Do I look like a mother? Am I getting long in the tooth? Do my jeans fit like mom jeans? Why would he assume that I had kids old enough to be in school?

It got me thinking about all the times that H.E. has referred to me as a MILF. He means it as a compliment, of course, but it’s a little hard to see it as one because MILF stands for Mother I’d Love to … let’s say, Frisk. Just replace the letters R-I-S with another two letters, you see, and you’d have something a little more fun than frisk. Anyway, MILF is just another way of saying Hottie With Kids.

The only problem is that I don’t have any kids, never had any, not even a little bit. So it feels like he is trying to tell me that I look like I’ve had a couple of children—i.e., I’m hot despite that obvious rubber tire around my supposedly stretched-from-pregnancy waist and what must surely be a stretched-to-impossible-proportions hooha. That’s not what he means at all, so he assures me, but that’s the implication my wacky mind creates.

H.E. used to call me a hottie. A babe. Eye candy. Then I hit my late twenties and early thirties, and now I’m a MILF.

Granted, he has always referred to me as Mommy when talking to the cat, so I guess in a way I’m a mother. But I just want to be reassured that I don’t look like some middle-aged hottie stuffed into mom jeans before my time.

So I panicked a little when the checkout guy assumed I had kids, and all of these mid-life crisis thoughts flitted through my head.

Then I remembered the boxes of cereal and realized why he assumed what he did, and I felt a little bit better about the whole thing, though not by much. I went from feeling offended about being seen as old and motherly … to feeling embarassed about still eating kiddie cerals at my ripe old age.

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6 thoughts on “MILF!

  1. You absolutely do not look like a middle-aged hottie stuffed into mom pants! Are you kidding me? I have photos from my wedding to show as proof! Those legs, April!

  2. Eh. Bird legs. That’s not where people look for mommy features. They look at your middle. Haven’t you seen the mom jeans on SNL? It’s all about the handles and the shapeless butt area. 😉

  3. If I ever don a pair of mom jeans, shoot me dead. Seriously. My goal is to be a MILF! LOL. I won’t even let my boys play soccer because I don’t want to be in that “Soccer Mom” category for goodness sake!

  4. I was thinking muffin top was going to be a reference to your hair bun when it’s piled high on top of your head. You definitely don’t have mommy hair.

    The mom jeans skit from SNL is a classic.

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