Six Degrees of Link-Me Beggin’

Six Degrees of Link-Me Beggin’

I am so uncool in the world of the web. Somehow, I managed to stumble onto this, and I discovered just how out of the loop I am.

For instance, it asks: Are you registered with Blogdex? And I have no idea what Blogdex is. Hell, I have no idea what Blogsnob is, and I only just discovered what Daypop is. WTF? What are all these weird sounding words? Are they English? Or should I pronounce them in a nasal, French way?

A very wise, learned, and funny man with a weird but wonderful view of the world (we’ll call him gODD) once told me: “Bloggers assume that everyone knows who [insert famous blogger name here] is, but that’s simply not the case; easily 98% of the world has no idea what a blog is.”

I guess you could say that I’m on the fringes of that 98%. I know what a blog is, but I don’t know all that much about the blog culture.

Apparently, there’s an A-list. What that entails, I hardly know. It seems that the more A-list people you know in person or have linked to you, the closer you are to Nirvana—I don’t know. I would guess there’d be something for the web, equivalent to the game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, and considering what the Blogwhore Quotient says, Jish would be the Kevin Bacon guy. Blogger A has met Blogger B in real life, and Blogger B is the cousin to Blogger C, who works with Blogger D, who is mother to Blogger E, who has met Jish at some blogger event somewhere in the real world.

Okay, then.

How many degrees am I from Jish? I don’t know. I’ve never actually met any of those that I’ve linked to. No one I know in real life actually blogs. I don’t think I even qualify for the game.

Which is actually kind of ironic, because in real life I’m only four degrees away from Kevin Bacon himself. I’ve worked with someone who has worked in a movie with someone else who has worked in another movie with some other person who has worked in yet another movie with Kevin Bacon.

So how do I make the web game easier to play? By links? I suppose we could do it this way: Jish links to Blogger A, who links to Blogger B, who links to Blogger C, who links to Blogger D, who links to—yay!—Blogger E, me.

But would I even care? Should I even care?

Ask anyone on the street who Kevin Bacon is; most likely that person will know. Ask anyone on the street who Jish is; they’d probably misunderstand your question and say, “This, who?”

“No, no. Not who is this, but who is Jish?

Slack jaw. Blank eyes. And “huh?”

So, really. What’s the point of being a Blogwhore? What’s the point of link-begging at all?

Like I said. I am so uncool.

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