I Want My … I Want My … I Want My DVR
After I got back from Australia, I got cable DVR (Digital Video Recording) installed on my TV. This is simply because I’m not bright enough to operate the VCR, and I’d rather invest the extra $10 a month and save myself the grief, which would have been monumental given my must-watch list. Plus, my godmother had something like it on her TV, and I noted how she was able to watch her favorite detective shows whenever she wanted and skip the commercials as well.
I was addicted in my first week of using the DVR. It was just too easy and convenient. I found myself watching a little more TV than I used to.
You can learn a lot about a person by going through their DVR settings. I learned this watching a Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode. Vincent D’Onofrio surfs a dead man’s settings and finds out that the victim is a gambler because all the recorded shows are nothing but sports, the kind you bet on. I’m not sure what D’Onofrio would find out about me if he looked at my recording list, but the thought makes me consider what I have on that thing and what they would say about me.
So here’s my actual list under the series manager:
My Name Is Earl
The Office
The Sopranos
Big Love
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Colbert Report
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Two and a Half Men
How I Met Your Mother
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
60 Minutes
Face the Nation
Boston Legal
Law & Order
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
The West Wing
BBC World News
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
Real Time with Bill Maher
Pepper Dennis
They’re not on there now, but when the next season of Deadwood and Carnivale start up, they’re going at the top of my list. Can’t figure out why they’re taking so long!
Some of the news and political shows are on there because when H.E., the news junkie and former political activist, excitedly calls me up about another Bush scandal, I want to know enough about the story to be able to keep up with him. Others, like Keith Olbermann’s show, are just fun to watch. Still others, like BBC World News, are habits I picked up while in Australia. But altogether, mostly, I just listen to all of these news shows from the other room while I’m working.
The sitcoms and comedy shows make me happy; they’re my candy. The dramas are my other candy. Pepper Dennis is on there as a trial only—I’ve seen one episode so far; I finally had to try it out because H.E. couldn’t stop singing its praises.
I also record movies, and since I’ve had the DVR, I’ve managed to catch a lot of the movies I missed when they first came to the theaters—Monster-in-Law, Robots, Flight of the Phoenix, etc. Movies I wouldn’t buy tickets to see but am very willing to watch on cable. Movies I saw in the theater but want to see again on TV. Movies that I’ve heard of and want to see but that play at two and three in the morning. It’s awesome. I love it.
Darn. I just remembered another show I liked but haven’t seen all season because I forgot to put it in my series manager. NCIS. I watched the first few episodes of CSI and gave it up because I was disgusted with the way they made the forensic people act like detectives, interrogating the suspects while the detectives stayed silent in the background. But I liked NCIS a lot. Much better than any of the CSI shows. And I especially can’t stand David Caruso. He makes me feel hostile and violently ill, and when he speaks, he makes me want to scream, “Get off my TV!!!” A bit like nails on chalkboard. So I don’t watch his show if I can help it.
Hm. I guess what I don’t watch can be just as enlightening about me as what I do watch. I wonder what everyone else watches … or doesn’t watch.
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6 thoughts on “I Want My … I Want My … I Want My DVR”
Here’s what I have sitting on my DVR right now:
-4 unwatched episodes of The Apprentice
-2 watched episodes of The Office (I LOVE this show and can’t bear to delete them until I’ve watched the heck out of them…especially the season finale the other night)
-1 unwatched episode of Unan1mous (sucker for stupid game shows, me)
-8 episodes of ER (all unwatched)
-1 partially-watched episode of My Name Is Earl (missed the beginning part)
-1 partially-watched episode of Saturday Night Live with Tom Hanks
Oh, and I have three DVDs from Netflix that I’ve had since early March that I still haven’t watched: Corpse Bride, Walk the Line and Wedding Crashers.
How’s that for a nice mix? 🙂
Great mix! But damn. I forgot to record Tom Hanks on SNL — I wanted to see that. And I forgot that The Apprentice was still on; I stopped watching it after the third season. Is it still any good?
Unfortunately, April, Carnivale (the HBO series) wasn’t renewed last season – unless you’ve got more recent news that I do. Too bad, because Season Two really left the series hanging.
On my DVR you’ll find:
Real Time with Bill Maher
Grey’s Anatomy
Boston Legal
The Cobert Report
The Daily Show
and a few movies (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and a couple of others)
No 60 Minutes, Frontline, or other news shows as I read the paper everyday and get most of my news online.
Nice mix you have though!
Hey. I’m glad you are back posting! A couple of my favorite shows are on your list. I simply love The Office. It’s my favorite show to come around in quite a long time….probably my favorite comedy since Seinfeld. There are so many people in that show that remind me of my co-workers. Obviously many of the plots are preposterous but I still love it. I thought the season finale was great. I’m surprised that they had Jim and the secretary get together or whatever you want to call that ending. Their relationship was one of the more believable parts of the show. I feel like I’ve been in similar type situations. It will be interesting to see where they take it next year. I really hope the ratings pick up for it because it’s such good stuff.
I also have gotten interested in Big Love. I was really shocked to learn that the youngest wife in that show was the geeky girl on the old show Ed. Do you remember it? She had real tight curly hair in that show. At any rate, she is really cute now and probably my favorite of the wives. But I like that show quite well. It’s such a weird concept.
I also do still watch the Apprentice. Of course the novelty of it has worn off some but I still enjoy it. I like a fair amount of the reality stuff on network tv though (Apprentice, Survivor, Amazing Race).
Mark, say it isn’t so about Carnivale! That bums me out — I really liked that show. Also, props to you for reading the news; I wish I could, but I spend so much time on the computer I can barely read even half of my Newseek before the next issue arrives. :-\
Drew, that Margine (sp?) is played by the same actress who played Warren’s geeky friend is a total revelation to me — thanks! Ed was H.E.’s favorite show while it was on, so I told him about it immediately. Maybe he’ll watch Big Love now; he hasn’t really gotten into it.
My tv watch list is boring in comparison and consists mostly of scifi. I guess I really AM a nerd.
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