Four Things…
Tagged by Zee, so here goes…
Four jobs I’ve had in my life:
- private piano teacher
- on-air coordinator at a closed captioning company
- imaging specialist at a book and magazine publishing house
- graphic designer and webmaster at the corporate headquarters for an international financing chain
Four movies I could watch over and over:
- Princess Bride
- Shrek
- Groundhog Day
- Pride and Prejudice (any version)
Four places I have lived:
- Japan
- Philippines
- San Diego, California
- Orange County, California
Four TV shows I love to watch:
- My Name Is Earl and The Office (I count them as one show, since they’re back to back)
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report (back to back, so again one show)
- How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, Out of Practice (all back to back, one show)
- Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Four places I have been on vacation:
- Grand Canyon
- Canada
- Oahu
- Pusan, South Korea
Four websites I visit daily:
Four of my favorite foods:
- Greek
- Vietnamese
- Japanese
- Thai
Four places I’d rather be right now:
- bed (still headachy)
- hot tub (muscles all stiff and sore)
- with H.E. (he keeps me warm and rubs my back)
- with cat (she comforts me when she sleeps on my chest)
Four bloggers I’m tagging (if they have not already been tagged):
- heck, I haven’t kept up with the blogs lately, so anyone who reads this and hasn’t already done it, you’re tagged!
4 thoughts on “Four Things…”
Princess Bride and Shrek would be my first two choices as well.
Great, Parl! Our DVD library probably has a lot of the same stuff. 🙂 And I forgot to put Groundhog’s Day on there somewhere. I adore that movie and watch it as often as Bill Murray lives through Groundhog Day. Hm. I think I’ll switch out Breakfast at Tiffany’s and put GD in instead.
I’m going for Princess Bride tonight.
Thanks Jeej for answering the dreaded tag! Dang, I forgot about Princess Bride…I could watch that one over and over as well. INCONSHEIVABLE!!!
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