Well, here’s Git, disguised as a little girl and running away from the secret agent assigned to his case, who is in turn trying to get away from the Oireachtas dance competition bouncer, who in turn thinks the secret agent is a pervert.
It’s actually a really cute story written by G. Allen Wilbanks—great narrating voice and funny as hell. And the descriptive metaphors are priceless:
Hundreds of miniature, beauty-queen caricatures flashed past me, ricocheting off of furniture, walls, and each other in bright undecipherable patterns. I felt like I had kicked an anthill in some Lewis Carroll fever dream and got caught in the resulting Technicolor stampede.
It’ll be in the third issue of Tales of the Talisman, if anyone wants to read it.
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6 thoughts on “Git!”
April, your artwork never ceases to amaze me. I’m going to get in touch soon to see if you are still in the biz of doing wesite graphics… I’m sorely in need of some updates on a few sites…
What a terrific illustration. You impress, as always. 😀
This reminds me… I must finish the story I started based on one of your previous illustrations (the sweater coming out of the floorboard).
Oh, and loved the new look of your site. Blues and whites look yummy. And the clouds are very you. 🙂
Thanks, Broch and Minnie!
Broch, looking forward to you updating. In the meantime, I’ll continue playing catch-up, lol.
Minnie, I think I still have part of the story somewhere, but send the whole thing when you’re done! 🙂
cheerzzzz 4 now..
“n” iz missin’
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