First Week Out

First Week Out

Well, after my first full week without a day job, I’d say I’m doing okay. I decided to take it easy first and work up to more later, so the goal I set for myself—aside from a few administrative things like calling about healthcare plans, paying bills, or shopping for supplies—was to complete and have approved at least one project a day. I managed to get in five projects, and if I don’t count the weekend, I guess I met my goal. I have other ones I’ve finished or am working on, but the only ones that count are the ones that are approved by the powers that be, and then I can call them done. The irony is that sometimes the approval process takes longer than it actually takes me to do the work, so projects tend to take longer than I’d planned.

Still, in all this, I managed to have some kind of personal life—meals out with H.E., a Hawaiian birthday party, some book reading, and a leisurely afternoon ride in a Duffy. I realize that in freelancing, you have to work five or six times harder to get the same kind of income as you would at a day job, but it’s nice to be able to take a break whenever you want to and for however long you want to, and really, the truly best part of all is that the only idiot you answer to is yourself.

So this month begins with the goal of one completed and approved project a day—with extra credit for the weekends. Eventually, I’d like to either move towards two projects a day or stay with one project a day but get much more pay with each one. We shall see.

In the meantime, I’m gearing up to post more regularly and to completely redo all of my sites. I’m also trying to get back into keeping regular contact with all of my friends. It’s been hard this year, so I’ve mostly kept to myself, but it’s time I come out of my shell.

Stay tuned. With luck, I’ll be back to my old, old self and start posting tutorials and poems again. 🙂

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8 thoughts on “First Week Out

  1. It sounds like we are all pursuing different ventures these days. Welcome to the darkside!

  2. Sorry to hear about your employment situation. It’s got to be a tough situation. I hope the freelancing works out.

    You ended up having a good call on the shorts vs. jeans/slacks for my date week before last. She was wearing a blouse and skirt. I think I’d of felt weird wearing shorts. I chose jeans and I think that was okay. I thought the date went well but ….I’ve heard nothing from her since then. I’ve called her twice and sent her an e-mail. I guess I’ve done my part. I just think it’s poor form to ignore someone if they’ve taken you out for dinner like that. All she has to say is something along the lines of ‘you were nice but I didn’t think we had great chemistry….yada, yada, yada…best of luck’. But saying nothing seems really rude. Maybe there is more to the story. Any thoughts?

    I’m headed to NY later this week to watch some of the US Open tennis tournament and to also see some of the city. I’ve been one other time, but I’m excited about going. You have you been?

    I guess your hair is still on the grow? Has it officially reached your knees yet? A co-worker of mine has been growing her hair out for the past year and a half. I was talking to her about it today, it started out as just past shoulder length and is now down to her waist. She thought it had grown about 8-9 inches.

  3. Does this mean I can now hire you for the project we discussed last year? 🙂

    I’d really like to move forward with it. I have several models who have expressed interest, but they want to see an example of what the final product might look like. And I need you for that 🙂

    Let me know what you think! And I wish you the best of luck on your freelancing. I’ve been reading your site for a long time – I just didn’t want to intrude much.


  4. I think I should congratulate you, but I’m not too sure! I do freelance web design on the side of my current job, but freelancing is not something I’d want to do full time, so I commend you.

    Good luck with it. 🙂

  5. Broch, yep! I’m in the same pot you’re in now, with ventures and stuff. I hope we both do well. 🙂

    Drew, thanks for the well wishes. As for the date thing, I’m thinking I should have advised you to go for slightly dressier than jeans, chain restaurant or not. Not sure about whether or not you should keep trying to contact her. If you’ve already tried three times and she hasn’t responded, I’d call it a day and move on. As for my hair, still growing, I guess.

    Zee, thanks! Hugs back at you. 🙂

    Mark, yes, I’ll now have more time for such projects! LOL. You can use the mermaid photo I posted some time ago as a sample, and tomorrow or the day after, I’ll post another sample, a copy of what I did for another ebook cover.

    Lelia, lol, I wish I knew whether it’s a good thing or not. I have no idea if I should be congratulated or consoled. I’m hoping in the end that it’s a good thing. 🙂

  6. Sweetie, regardless of how sporadic your poss, e-mails or IMs, I always love and consider you to be a cherished friend. Our friendship will not change with change. 🙂

    I hope things look up for you now and positive, good karma surrounds you and H.E.


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