Damn. I Thought I’d Cured the Common Cold.
I’m still alive and coughing. I’ve been sick over an entire week. H.E. says that if I take care of myself, drink plenty of fluids, and get plenty of rest, the cold should last only a week; and if I don’t do anything, live life as usual, and let the cold run its course, well it should last only, oh, about seven days.
I’m still trying to figure out the pros and cons between the two. In the meantime, I’m trying another method, a mix of both, which should get rid of the cold in a sennight.
So far I’m failing miserably.
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3 thoughts on “Damn. I Thought I’d Cured the Common Cold.”
My suggestion for the common cold? One word: Airborne.
I can’t personally say this works, considering I haven’t gotten sick enough in years to take anything other than a mild cough syrup, but the over-the-counter cold/allergy medicine Comtrex is pretty amazing from what I have seen.
Back four years ago, my whole family came down with a TERRIBLE case of the flu. For my father and me, we just sort of got over it with time and without outside help. My mom, on the other hand, had the worst of it. She went to the doctor and was given several prescriptions, none of which did much of anything, save knocked her out.
She got Comtrex and I swear to you she hardly had a sniffle the next day after having taken it for a good twelve hours. It was amazing! She even went to work.
So, again, I haven’t had to take it personally, but having seen what it did for her when she took it…it’s definitely worth a try! Hope you get better soon!
April, I’ve been trying to keep score and see which one of us has been sicker in the past year, I’ve lost track!
Get feeling better soon, Broch
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