More Toons for the Toon Lovers

More Toons for the Toon Lovers

Ask, and ye shall receive.

Here are a couple of illustrations I did recently for Tales of the Talisman. They are for two individual short (“short” being an understatement) stories, which I won’t summarize here because if I even breathe a one-liner or two, I’ll have given away the entire plot.

The Crack


Go on. I challenge you to make stories of your own for these images.

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9 thoughts on “More Toons for the Toon Lovers

  1. Well, the second one I’d say the lady was outside playing croquet and a monster attacked her and she ran into the house and has been cornered and she is getting ready to make her stand.

    The first one, I’ll say that there was an earthquake and it is splitting her apt. in two. She was folding sweaters and the one in her hand is falling through the crack. She is going to have to try to dive into a swimming pool that is below her or risk injured in the collapse of the building.

    There is my stab at it. Thanks for posting!

  2. These are really brilliant, hon. Reminds me of the Harris Burdick project by Chris Van Allsburg. I’ll come up with a short story (or two), soon.

    I have a commission for you – interested in designing a website for a writer, artist and photographer? 😉

  3. Enjoyed the cartoons although I have no idea what the stories might be.

    For scene 1, I’ll guess that the girl has a gun in her hand and she is getting ready to shoot her attacker but now somehow he is splitting the floor from below and the sweater that was on the floor has fallen thru the cracks.

    For scene 2, I’ll guess that she is practicing the carnival game where you have to hit board to make the ball go up and hit the bell. It’s a strength contest, I’m not sure I’m describing it well enough. At any rate, I’ll say she’s practicing to beat her boyfriend at the carnival later that night.

  4. OK, a story is forming in my mind. I’ll type it sometime this week. It’s called: The Enchanted Sweater.

  5. fanTASTIC toons! April, I miss your toons a lot! I totally understand that you have to do what is needed to pay the bills, believe me, I understand…. I like these B&W toons almost as much as I love the Aliens… Shhh, please don’t tell them, I don’t want to hurt their feelings. I hope that all is well with you! Broch

  6. Looks like the floor is that thing that eats all the left socks! (or at least where the sock-eater hides)
    I noticed that our heroine has an impeccable taste for art in that second panel.

  7. Parl, you come the closest to the original story on the first illustration. And I’m glad you caught that little detail in the second! 🙂

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