I Mean This Literally

I Mean This Literally

Yes, believe it or not, I really do this on my Mac at the end of every workday.

Everyday at work I search within myself for the meaning of life, and I always come up empty.

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7 thoughts on “I Mean This Literally

  1. A friend of mine told me about your site. I like it. I read thru some of your old posts. Some of the Kodak moments are really funny. And I love the Alien toons and your Wimsey Toons!

    Loved your hair entries too. It sounds like it is SO long! Bet it takes a lot of dedication to grow it that long. Hopefully you’ll post some photos of it. Your April Fool’s Prank about shaving your head bald was great too!

  2. The meaning of life?
    Maybe it’s love
    In the midst of strife.
    Perhaps a turned back
    For the inevitable knife.
    It’s like finding the grail,
    But she’s someone else’s wife.
    Time’s parade finds a drummer
    Out of step with the fife.
    It’s an on-going joke–
    And worldly laughter is rife.

  3. Man I love your ‘toons. It doesn’t look like you’ve done any in so long though. I especially like the one’s that have the special friends. You should totally bring that contest back!

    I’m a little slow on the ‘burma-shave’ reference though?

  4. I’ve recently done a couple of ‘toons for a magazine illustration. I’ll post them here sometime when I get a chance. 🙂

    As for the Burma-Shave reference, it’s from long before I was born. It was a shaving cream product for men, and the ads for it were memorable in that they used billboards on the roadsides for rhymes ending with, “Burma-Shave.”

    Here are some examples of what I mean.

  5. “Burma Shave” is also a cool song by my favorite artist, Tom Waits (based on the highway signs)

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