Kitty Porn

Kitty Porn

neighborhood cat

First post of the year, and it’s kitty porn. This is a neighborhood cat, one that never lets strangers get close, least of all me. Yet somehow or other I managed to capture it with my camera.

I actually took this shot on the first or second day of the year. The rest of the year has so far been stormy—rain after rain, after rain, after rain. It’s as cold and damp as a good day in Seattle. So I’ve spent my first week of the year with either migraines or joint pains. Nine days into the new year, and I’ve already been to the doctor twice. Plus, I now have enough prescription pills to last me the entire year.

I’m used to the migraines, but the joint pain was new. Because of the cold, Cat has been sleeping in bed with me a lot lately, and considerate pet owner that I am, I do everything in the world to make sure I don’t move a muscle to disturb her. As a result, I’ve been waking up sore and stiff, and one day, the discomfort turned into a muttered “Damn it. I feel like an old lady who needs a hip replacement.”

Turned out to be my sacroiliac joint, which meant I couldn’t sit for very long without feeling a lot of pain. Walking or standing wasn’t bad, though uncomfortable. Lying down was best.

Anyway, imagine me at the computer—either at the day job or doing freelance. I’d sit down, grimace, then stand up again. This is why I haven’t written in a week.

Now, here I am, groggy as hell from the ibuprofen and muscle relaxants … all because I was too much of a pussy to go for the steroid injection.

I’m telling you. It’s all the cat’s fault. And that’s why I’m posting a photo of another cat and not one of mine.

Ha! Let’s see how she likes that!

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