California Holiday Weather

California Holiday Weather

The photo didn’t turn out how I wanted it to, but I’m still new at this and I haven’t found the Ansel Adams setting on this camera yet. Anyway, this is the sort of scene to expect where I live. The closest I can get to capturing frost on evergreens is raindrops on poinsettia petals.

H.E. took me shopping today for a couple of camera accessories. I now have a UV filter, a circular polarizing filter, and a lens hood. I can’t wait to start 2005 with my camera in hand!

I should do a year end review, but I don’t want to think about my move or about my creative director’s maternity leave. I was crazy with stress earlier this year, and I don’t want to relive it. So I’ll simply look forward to the new one.

No champagne for me tonight. My last act in 2004 will be to donate to the Red Cross before going to bed at a reasonable hour, thankful for everything that I have and for the welfare of my loved ones. It seems an appropriate way to celebrate the holiday, considering.

And Happy New Year! Be safe. Be well. Be happy.

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