Getting Ready for the 2005 Holidays
Traditionally, Thanksgiving weekend is the official start of the holidays. That’s when you see Christmas “stuff” sold in stores, advertised in magazines, and mentioned on TV and in radio. But every year, it seems as if they keep moving Thanksgiving weekend, the official start of the holidays, closer and closer to July.
Well, H.E. and I are already prepared for Christmas 2005. No, let me rephrase that. HE is. He already gave me my Christmas 2004 present two weeks ago—an overpriced big red fluffy robe that keeps my cold-blooded body warm. He gave it to me early because he didn’t want me to die of frostbite before I finally got to open it on Christmas day. And what good thinking on his part. I’ve been nice and toasty these past two weeks thanks to my early gift, and now he’s ready for the 2005 holidays.
Me, I’m running a little late. Maybe just a tad. To celebrate the anniversary of when we first met—that long ago day when we discovered to our surprise that the other person wasn’t actually a modem, a monitor, and a keyboard—I got him a subscription to Ocean Navigator magazine. That, my friends, was back in July and August this year. His first issue didn’t arrive until EARLY THIS WEEK—three or four ENTIRE months later. At this rate, I should have gotten him his Christmas present last year. This is not fair. I’m still catching up to Christmas 2003, when I had to put off the gift-giving because we couldn’t decide on the shredder I wanted to get him. And then I had to move.
But at least I am on time for Thanksgiving. I’ve started composing my list for tomorrow, and the first item? I am so very thankful that I had to move only ONCE this year.
Well, so far anyway.
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