Fallen Woman

Fallen Woman

Something’s been weighing on my mind for a little while now. With the steady work I’ve been getting, I hadn’t really given it a thought until recently, and perhaps maybe I should. I mean, should I kiss my dream of illustrating children’s books goodbye? Because with cover work like these—


—I don’t think any publisher of children’s books would seriously consider me.

Not that I’d want to give up doing the covers I’ve been doing; I love the work that I do. I just don’t want to limit myself in any way, and with the social climate today, you just never know how people might react to things you do.

Take, for instance, Team America: World Police. It’s a spoof of The Thunderbirds and a myriad other things—politics today, terrorism, you name it—and yet its rating recently got downgraded from NC-17 to R. And do you know why it was even NC-17 to begin with?

Yes, that’s right. Puppet sex.

Some people thought that one puppet humping another puppet was JUST TOO GRAPHIC for kids to watch. I’ll just bet those ratings people confiscated their kids’ Kens and Barbies the minute Barbie had a wardrobe malfunction.

Gawd. If they only knew what I used to do with my big blue stuffed bunny with the big pink nose when I was a kid. I had many a make-out session with the poor creature, and man, the Velveteen Rabbit never had it so good.

But there I go again, saying and doing the most inappropriate things, so unloobylu-like that I will never, ever get to do a children’s book. Sigh.

Oh, well. At least I’m making a little money, whore that I am. Ah, to be a fallen woman….

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