Like a Virgin

Like a Virgin

Please excuse the ongoing mess. This is all new to me.

I decided to switch from Greymatter to MovableType this year because I wanted to be able to provide RSS feeds without having to come up with a plug-in or a work-around. It’s a small price to pay to give people what they want, but I can’t avoid the learning curve involved—there are new variables, new scripts, and new ways of doing things. I no longer need to shave my head, as I have practically pulled all of my hair out by the handfuls.

I’ve even imported my Greymatter files into the fold, though I’m not really sure how to quietly retire the old archives without breaking all kinds of links on or off the site. Perhaps I need to look up .htaccess redirects or something. Any advice is welcome.

The MovableType calendar, however, is an alien thing to me. I am not sure how to incorporate my little riddles into it. I’m amazed that I got it up at all. My first try made 2004 the biggest leap year ever, and we would have all biologically aged 10 years on this day in 2005.

Categories? Blah! I can’t even begin to categorize my posts except for tutorials, so it seems I will need help with coming up with categories as well. I brainstormed a few for a while, but I could not decide between:

  • Artsy Fartsy
  • Drunken Delusions That Should Have Stayed Drafts
  • Humiliating Experiences
  • Jokes No One Will Ever Get
  • Tutorials For Which No One Has The Software


  • Doodles
  • Kibbles
  • Puzzles
  • Riddles
  • Scribbles

…so I gave up on that.

But, hey, as soon as I can figure out how the TrackBack feature works, I shall be ready to ping pong like crazy.

That is what is meant by “pings” right?

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