Year’s End
My sister noticed that I’ve been back-dating my entries, and she guessed that it was due to my recent illness. She guessed correctly, by the way; since my bout with flu, I’ve been too lazy to post on time and too stubborn to give up my original plan to paint a Christmas tree in the calendar.
Why? Because I wanted to end this year posting entry #300, and the tree allows for that perfectly.
See, I’ve been rethinking this whole online journal thing for 2004, and I’ve been planning some changes after the now failed finale. I don’t know what those changes will be yet, but I want them to be significant. I’m getting bored with the way things are right now, and I need a fresh outlook.
I have never really written in this journal for myself. Nearly everything I’ve written here was meant for an audience—to entertain, to educate, and to share my not-so-personal news with friends and family. So it seems the best way to go about the changes is to consult first with you, the reader. I’d like to know what you want to see from me in the coming year, whether it be more tutorials or Kodak moments, less art or poetry, or whatever.
Without holding back, tell me what you like best and what you like least, what keeps you reading and what makes you share. Be as honest and as specific as you like, as fawning or as brutal as you dare. Point out your favorite entries and your least favorite entries, and then tell me what it is about those entries that you loved or hated.
Seriously. I won’t take it personally. I’ve learned after years of doing this that what I write and who I am are two completely different things. Any criticism of my writing isn’t necessarily a criticism of me, and just because someone likes my writing, it doesn’t mean they’d like me, the person, as well.
Think of it as an investment, if you want. You spend your money and your time only on the books and the movies that you like (if you can help it). Even though I don’t charge a dime for my content, you spend a few minutes here every now and then, and I want you to consider that time well spent. So tell me what you’d like to see. I will do whatever I can to make it so, and I will do it happily because I love a challenge.
So give it some time and think about it. Reread my archives. Then tell me what’s on your mind.
And by the way, thank you, and Happy New Year!
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10 thoughts on “Year’s End”
What I enjoy most is your hidden puzzels and trying my hardest to figure them before Brendan does. (He’s too sharp for me)
Cheers to you April! And Best Wishes for the New Year!
I enjoy all the elements of your journal — the riddles, the reader participation entries, poetry, humour, tutorials. It’s a wonderful blend.
How about just re-designing the layout? New year, new look…
Happy New Year, btw! I love you!
I like your anecdotes, stories, and othewise-voiced thoughts. Also the occasional Photoshop tricks and tutorials. And the artwork.
It’s all good, baby.
have a look at this
found it on minns blog.
p.s and dont think too much .
think minn is right
Guess uve been readin too much on marketing. Customer perception, philip kotler and bala blah blah .
April, I think that no matter what you do, those of us who frequent your journal will enjoy what your write. Although I am an audience of one, I personally like your Photoshop tutorials. They give me ideas to use in my own Photoshop efforts. For example, I would love to know how you created the glowing skin effect in the Temptress.
Also, you’ve inspired me to create my own journal – you can check it out at: — I’d welcome any advice from you on how to improve it.
Just keep doing what you’ve been doing, April. I like the fauxtos best and little stories you find, but it’s your weblog and I enjoy reading it. I can;t think of anything you should change. (Sorry, no help there!)
Your online journal is perfect as it is, but as you very well know, I completely understand your restless feelings. You really don’t need to change a thing, the reading is wonderful, as well as the tutorials, artwork and all around zaniness! Happy new year!
April, I’m afraid I won’t be of much assistance either.
I think it’s safe to say that those of us who are ‘regulars’ are here because we like what we read and see. Those who don’t like your mix of topics have already left and probably won’t be back.
I must agree with parl when he says that I am sharp
Actually, its’ parl’s appreciation of your puzzles that I agree with. I find them lots of fun.
The only other thing I would suggest is an RSS feed so that it’s easy to know when you add a new entry. I know this is not content related, but that’s about the best I can do for now.
I love your stuff too and I only have two (minor) suggestions, April.
1) Some of your longer entries seem to take a while to get to the point. If it were a build up, that would make sense, but it’s often redundant explanations. There’s clarity in brevity.
2) Update your copyright to 2004. ;^)
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