Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Danger exists in telecommuting — myopia, distraction, lethargy, and apathy.

These four walls stand too closely together, and I don’t have the excuse of a commute to get out and drive through long stretches of road, focusing my eyes on something farther than my hands can reach. I have other things to see: my personal computer, my cat, my bed, my fridge, and my TV; it’s hard to keep on working when I know a nap is only three feet away. Naps, on the other hand, turn my lunch hours into lunch hour-and-a-halves, and I usually don’t wake with an automatic spring in my step; my feet like to drag when I walk back to the desk. It’s gotten to the point where I just don’t care if I “go to work” bleary-eyed and in pajamas, my hair coming out of its habitual braid.

Yep. There is danger in telecommuting, and I’m just another victim.

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