Name That Tune #2: Grunge Pixie
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Copyright belongs to someone else, and I will reveal who owns it once the blanks have been correctly filled.
I’m so miserable. I’m full of angst.
Pierced my nose, got three tattoos,
To [blank] I’m giving thanks, yeah.
No one understands me,
And I ain’t got no job.
[Blank] helped me grow my goatee.
Now I’m a total slob.
Yeah, I’m a total slacker.
I owe it all to [blank].
I got nothin’ else to do;
I drink it day and night.
If you wanna know the truth,
This song is just a ploy.
[Blank] won’t make you miserable
Or fill your life with joy
‘Cuz [blank] is just a [hint #1].
Remember what comes first.
So [hint #2] what tastes good,
And just [hint #3].
This commercial is so stupid…
8 thoughts on “Name That Tune #2: Grunge Pixie”
Another test?
You are a sneaky, witty nymph!
Hopefully somebody will come up with the answer to your riddle. Till then, I am bubbling over with enthusiasm.
BTW – did you know I’m originally from England. I guess that makes me the resident limey.
By the way, the first ‘Name That Tune’ ( me totally stumped (from some of the comments, I don’t think that’s anything to be ashamed of!).
It seems that a number of people alluded to the song, but not one clue helped me.
Will you reveal the name of the song, or will I have to live the rest of my life not knowing?
Hee! The first Name That Tune entry is a tune often sung by young girls as they jump rope:
"Not last night, but the night before,
24 robbers came knocking at my door.
As I ran out, they ran in,
Hit me on the head with a rolling pin.
Asked them what they wanted,
This is what they said…"
[The song continues, and in some versions the next words are "Spanish lady," while in other versions they’re "Chinese dancer," or something like either of those two.]
"…Spanish dancer, turn around.
Spanish dancer, touch the ground.
Spanish dancer, do the high kicks.
Spanish dancer, do the splits.
One, two, three, four…"
[The girl jumping must do everything the song tells her to do as she’s jumping rope, and the counting continues until she misses a step.]
Is she a sneaky, witty nymph or just a Sprite?
Parl, 😀
You and Warren were able to guess it, and here I thought no one would have even heard, let alone remembered, this song.
Rawk on Warren! \m/
(We’re secretly striving to become Human Encyclopedias yo know)
I guess my hints were too subtle for you to notice April. 😉
It was the best I could think of without giving away the answer.
D’oh! You’re right. I missed them. Bubbling and limey, indeed. Well then, high five, Brendan! You were the very first to guess. 😀
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