Bad [Doggerel] From My Writing Past #10: You Can Call Me Doggerella (8/22/2003)

Bad [Doggerel] From My Writing Past #10: You Can Call Me Doggerella (8/22/2003)

I’m the master poetaster;
Of disasters I’m the best,
For I make no alabaster,
Rather plaster… and a mess.

I make no sonnets in a bonnet
(Who would don it. Hell, not I),
And I doubt that I would flaunt it
If I did; I’d rather lie.

I compose no verbose longings.
I dream up no themes of love.
I propose my compost, yawning,
And I scheme for reams of guff.

Please don’t hate me. Venerate me!
Mine’s the best the worst can give.
All I make you enervates me.
It’s a test’ to how I live.

So call me Doggerella,
Mistress of the trashy rhymes,
The ash in Cinderella,
And the blank between the lines.

I put meaning in the meaningless,
The dog in doggerel.
It’s no visionary’s vision,
Just a special kind of hell.

Yes… I’m the master poetaster;
Of disasters I’m the best,
For I make no alabaster,
Rather plaster… and a mess.

© August 22, 2003 April Martinez

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11 thoughts on “Bad [Doggerel] From My Writing Past #10: You Can Call Me Doggerella (8/22/2003)

  1. not that this relates at all, but is there any particular reason my mail to you is being blocked right now?

    and i thought you liked me!

    i’m gonna go pout now.

  2. Jim, nope. I’m sure it’s just jealous gremlins messing with my e-mail. I’m hunting for them right now.

  3. This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

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  4. Hee. That’s why I had to play with the word; I couldn’t believe it actually meant something.

  5. Everytime I read that word I want to pronounce it "Poe Taster". Which of course is defined as one with Po’ Taste. 😀

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