Work in Progress #2: Dancing Images

Work in Progress #2: Dancing Images

A work in progressA work in progress

Notes: The dancing alien (scanned pencil sketch colored entirely in Photoshop 6.0) is holding a glow stick and is done in a style I don’t usually use (as a test only); he is later going to a party deejayed by one of the nicest people online. The dancing girl is a Poser 3 figure rendered in Bryce 3D and touched up (and given hair) in Photoshop; I will add clothes to cover up her naked body when I find the time, but for now her body is a temple.

I’ve been itching to add book covers to my portfolio. If you know of a book publisher looking for some cover illustration, point the way and let me at ’em.

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10 thoughts on “Work in Progress #2: Dancing Images

  1. Awww, April, do you have to give her clothes =-) ???? She looks great as is! Have you ever thought about doing your own series of illustrated childrens books??? I can see it all now, life lessons, via the aliens. Too cute! I hope your week is going well…

  2. I really like the dancer! For her clothing though, might you try a close-to-see-through two piece? I think it would go well with the cloudy atmosphere. Or perhaps you could have the mist wrap around her?

    After all, you know how mist wraps around in all the necessary places. Haha.

  3. When I started rendering the dancer, I did it with the intention of painting very long and draping skirts of cloth. The file is 300 dpi at 12" x 15" though, and the retouching I’ve already done at one point made my raw Photoshop file (with layers intact) almost 200 MB. Considering that I’ve had to burn and dump at least 3 CDs worth of data just to clear enough space to work on and save this and considering that she already looks so good, I’m actually tempted to leave her unclothed or drape her in an easy-to-paint close-to-see-through two piece.

    I guess we’ll see how my hard drive and RAM holds up. I was kind of looking forward to making her a dress out of patterned cloth.

  4. I’m with Broch on this one. Leave her as she is — Lelia’s idea of having mist draped around her like a ribbon is swell, too.

    Either ways, April, this is magnificent work. 🙂

    P.S.: Good to see your entries again!

  5. april,
    cool april, real cool.
    Its almost like u r the pygmallion, why need a guy , when there is april. And galatia I ve never seen until ive seen this.
    And do ask minn to post too, I am missing it, doesnt matter if she doesnt mail, or reply to my comment.

  6. Super neat. I confess to being ignorant of some of the tools out there — what is Bryce 3d?

  7. Minnie, Dave, and VJ, thanks!! 😀

    Tim, Bryce is a consumer level 3D rendering program now in its 5th version. Bryce 3D, the version that I have, came out when the software company MetaCreations still owned and developed it; it’s the version that was given away for free about a couple of years ago with the purchase of 3D World magazine. Bryce, by the way, has a HUGE cult following; you’d be amazed at the wealth of tutorials, textures, models, sites, and images having to do with the program. Two of my all-time favorite Bryce artists are Martin Murphy and Clay Hagebusch, but there are so many other great Bryce artists popping up in galleries like this one.

    Um, and I probably went overboard explaining what Bryce is.

  8. Because I cannot afford the software. I didn’t even pay for Bryce or Poser; I got them free with a purchase of a magazine.

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