No Wonder I’m Indecisive

No Wonder I’m Indecisive

Thanks to Suzanne‘s link, I took this test and got this:

April, you are one of those rare individuals who are perfectly “balanced” in both your hemispheric tendencies and your sensory learning preferences. However, there is both good news and bad news.

A problem with hemispheric balance is that you will tend to feel more conflict than someone who has a clearly established dominance. At times the conflict will be between what you feel and what you think but will also involve how you attack problems and how you perceive information. Details which will seem important to the right hemisphere will be discounted by the left and vice versa, which can present a hindrance to learning efficiently.

In the same vein, you may have a problem with organization. You might organize your time and/or space only to feel the need to reorganize five to ten weeks later.

On the positive side, you bring resources to problem-solving that others may not have. You can perceive the “big picture” and the essential details simultaneously and maintain the cognitive perspective required. You possess sufficient verbal skills to translate your intuition into a form which can be understood by others while still being able to access ideas and concepts which do not lend themselves to language.

Your balanced nature might lead you to second-guess yourself in artistic endeavors, losing some of the fluidity, spontaneity and creativity that otherwise would be yours.

With your balanced sensory styles, you process data alternately, at times visually and other times auditorially. This usage of separate memories may cause you to require more time to integrate information or re-access it. When presented with situations which force purely visual or purely auditory learning, increased anxiety is likely and your learning efficiency will decrease.

Your greatest benefit is that you can succeed in multiple fields due to the great plasticity and flexibility you possess.

Me, balanced? Somehow that doesn’t seem right.

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4 thoughts on “No Wonder I’m Indecisive

  1. Auditory : 15%
    Visual : 84%
    Left : 62%
    Right : 37%

    It told me my brain isn’t "Right" enough. hmm,.. I wonder what it meant by that? 😀

  2. lol… It means you use the more logical half of your brain, the rational one that tries to make sense of everything and the one that physically controls the right half of your body. 🙂

  3. Auditory : 46%
    Visual : 53%
    Left : 52%
    Right : 47%

    I’m told I am also a well-balanced individual, although my evaluation read somewhat differently than yours did, April.

    Parl, perhaps the quiz was informing you, under the direction of the Homeland Security Department, that your politics aren’t right enough… Heck, Tom R’s goons have their little fingers in everything else these days…

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