Not Enough Hours
There are not enough hours in the day.
I forget sometimes how wide my interests are, even just centered around my computer. Today I attempted to catch up on viewing other people’s images at the galleries, after neglecting them for so long. I failed — failed — to scratch the surface in the sea of thumbnails in the “What’s New” sections and comment on everything I saw. I suppose I would have been fine about that if the rest of my hobbies had been pretty much attended to, but (alas!) that was not the case.
I haven’t been able to add my own images to the galleries; nor have I been able to visit my old haunts — the various writing forums, the web design forums, the web community forums. I haven’t been able to read the web logs I used to enjoy daily; write my movie reviews, tutorials, daily logs, or the projects for the web rings to which I belong; or even submit to some of the graphics contests I’d been planning to enter. I don’t understand it; I’m no longer driving to an office every weekday, yet when I was working for a company, I was able to do everything I wanted to do. Where did my time go?!
::Sigh:: The mysteries of life, huh?
With any luck I’ll start working full-time again for a company. I always seem to get more things done in the day when I have absolutely no time at all to do them. It’s a funny little quirk I have — kind of like doing my best work when I’m under pressure. I get the feeling that the shoemaker’s elves come out and do my work for me when I’m away at the office or sleeping in bed. Perhaps if I find out what their favorite foods are, I can lure them out of their hiding places to help me out in my time of need… where I have all the time I need to do absolutely nothing at all.
I swear.
There just isn’t enough hours in the day.
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