Letter To My Editor

Letter To My Editor

Dear Inner Critic,

You have got to stop hounding me. Seriously. You have got to stop telling me what to post and what not to post, what readers will like and what they won’t. I am not a child or an idiot. I can friggin’ think for myself, thank you, and I have a writing degree; damn it, let me put it to some use. I’m almost certain that I can post something acceptable, even if it isn’t my best work.

Who says it has to be good anyway? Who says it has to be compelling? As if the quality of writing has anything to do with readership—pshaw! My writing hasn’t changed much over the years, and yet even the dullest blogs get more readers than I do. Even if I wrote the next Great American Novel, that fact wouldn’t change; you know that. Besides, the size of our audience never mattered to you before, back when it was nonexistent, so why should it matter now? I thought you said that this log was just for us, for me. Why ruin that with premature criticism? I mean, really!

So please… just leave me alone, okay? And quit arguing with me; the cat’s beginning to wonder why I’m muttering to myself, waving my fist in the computer’s general direction. Are you trying to paralyze me? Render me unproductive? Make me the laughingstock of the entire online world? What kind of friend are you anyway? Here I am with a ton of ideas and a ton of half-written entries, and there you are, knocking each and every one of them down.

You arrogant jerk, you’re fired, and I never want to see you around here again. Get lost, and good riddance!

With everlasting love and friendship,

P.S.—We’re still on for lunch tomorrow, right? My treat. Don’t be late.

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5 thoughts on “Letter To My Editor

  1. How beautiful! I have been faced with same dillema recently, and decided to write for me, and only me. Due to that other thing, I am able to do it a little more freely, but you know what I mean. Your posts are always wonderful April, just keep doing what you always have.

  2. God, I can so relate to this!

    Lately my entries have become fewer and far between because I’m constantly plagued by my inner editor. I have forgotten what it is to write for self, and have started writing for an audience.

    As a result of that, I don’t feel satisfied posting something that I feel may not be up the mark; half-chewed ideas lie cluttered in my head like leftovers of a stale pizza.

    Meanwhile the inner editor keeps whipping me.

  3. Hey, that is right, your birthday is tomorrow and I just realized you are only 2 years younger than me. So, I better not say my age. 😉

    Anyway, happy birthday. I hope you achieve all your goals and dreams. And may you never stop dreaming.


  4. Broch, I see it in your writing, truly. When you’re free to write, you write beautifully and with such poetic feeling. I’m glad you found an outlet. 😉

    Minnie, dearest, I knew you would understand about the inner critic! 😀 Such pests, aren’t they? And thank you for the birthday card; I love it, and it gives me even more incentive to practice my handwriting tonight. 😉

    Tony, thank you! 🙂 I will be spending part of my birthday coloring my latest artwork, so of course it will be a happy birthday. ;-D

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