Sleepless Beauty

Sleepless Beauty

I often think in analogies. I can’t help it. If someone starts to tell me about something, anything — a particular experience, a person’s foibles — my mind goes off on convoluted tangets and tries to compare the one thing to another thing entirely. To most others, the two things will seem to be completely unrelated, but my mind absolutely insists that there’s a bridge across that ravine and simply hops on over.

See what I mean?

It’s a curse, this thing that makes me think people want to go shopping for “cat shit” and not “ketchup”. My mind just immediately makes the nonsensical things make sense and creates a relationship between two things where it normally wouldn’t exist.

I realized the other day that it’s starting to show up in some of my artwork. I recently created a piece called “Sleepless Beauty” and thought that it was purely out of a desire to see a princess looking bored as she checked out her nails. Later, I realized it was an analogy to how some people live their lives — waiting passively for that special someone or for something to happen, while at the same time not being very patient about it.


I live my life like that, too (sometimes), and I have to kick my own butt every now and then to remind myself that I should do something productive and not simply wait for life to happen to me.

I mean, can you imagine if there was no prince, if there was no one out there ready to conquer the world to get to you and save you from yourself? You’d be waiting within your stone walls forever. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.


Yet another ravine bridged — though this time, I think this analogy will make sense to more than just me.

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One thought on “Sleepless Beauty

  1. I enjoy reading through this informal place. I will surely visit you again to see if anything new appears on it.
    Good luck for the future.

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