Happy Birthday, Happy Holidays, One Gift Fits All

Happy Birthday, Happy Holidays, One Gift Fits All

First and foremost, Happy Birthday to Janine, who is quite possibly my oldest friend, as we’ve been writing to each other for 20 years.

Second, I’d like to offer my sympathies (and apologies) to everyone who, like Janine, has a birthday around this time of year. I’m certain that all you hear upon receiving presents is, “Well, this gift is actually for both your birthday and for Christmas/Hanakkuh.” I know, I know. It sucks, and I am so very sorry that out of necessity due to the lack of everything (wits and finances, included), I have actually had to say that a few times. Bad, April. Bad, bad April.

But what’s the best thing to do when buying presents for a December baby? Help a girl out and let me know.

See, my problem stems from the fact that the winter holidays affect everyone in a pretty big way. If the birthday was at any other month besides December, there would be time and money enough for a decent gift. The stores aren’t crowded with people or jam-packed with holiday-related items. The funds aren’t stretched thin to cover decorations, cards, and gifts for everyone. And really, with so much to do, it’s hard to focus on the one person that deserves all that attention before anything else. As a result, the December baby typically gets a Christmas or Hanukkah present for his or her birthday. How sad is that?

To make it fair for everyone, I should be getting Easter baskets for my birthday. My mother should be getting turkey and cranberry sauce. My sister should be getting fish (poisson d’Avril) and practical jokes.

‘Fess up now. What should you be getting?

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7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Happy Holidays, One Gift Fits All

  1. Mmmm…well although it doesn’t apply so much now as it did then i would say anything that could not be considered school supplies would be a nice surprise.

    You see, i was cursed with having my birthday on August 15th (yes, another damn Leo *growl*) so many a gift was followed by "oh wow, won’t that be great for when you go back to school in a couple of weeks". Oh yeah…t’was great. I was often thrilled as one could imagine i would be at the sight of opening a lavish box to find ‘oh wow, hold back the excitement’ ~ pens and a ruler. I mean, don’t get me wrong…i was thankful but a toy truck would have been nice or, well…band-aids might have been a better gift.

    I suppose, in hindsight it could have been worse and in reality, nowadays, if anyone wants to buy me a Powerbook for my birthday in August i won’t complain…although…uh…it won’t be for school. I could pretend though…?


  2. Oh…and kisses. Kisses are always good. 🙂
    (although i think i appreciate a good kiss now more than when i was 8…)

  3. I’m a Pisces, so there are no real holidays around my birthday, so I did not have the problem with gifts being for my birthday and a holiday. I guess I am lucky on that regards. As for your dilemma, my not do her birthday or her christmas shopping in June or July? I actually no people who do that.

    As for what Saen said about kisses, I do not know if Janine would like a kiss from April, but if that does transpire, make sure there are photos 😉

  4. I’m a Pisces also. My birthday falls relatively close to Saint Patrick’s Day , but I’ve never had a problem with the gifts. I suppose someone could make corned beef and cabbage my birthday dinner every year.

    I wouldn’t have a problem with that though 😉

    Maybe make everything green or decorate with shamrocks?

    That could be interesting. . .

  5. My birthday is in June, and someone actually got me a Father’s Day cake one year.

    Aside from that one incident, being born in June is really perfect timing. 🙂

  6. A lot of people with birthdays close to Christmas told me to NEVER celebrate Lex’s birthday(27th) in the spring/summer or any other day other than her actual birthdate. Apparently they were tragically scarred and still pissed off that their parents did that. So we’ve always done our best to make her birthday special and unique, even though it’s smack in the middle of the holidays.

    Just buy something that you know they’d like any other time of the year, and wrap the stuff in really cool birthday paper (I try to find the most cool/unusual birthday paper/ribbons/bows I can find so she feels like she really IS getting birthday presents instead of extra Christmas presents).

  7. Saen, there’s nothing wrong with being a Leo. Leos are practically perfect and deserve not only kisses, but hugs too. That is, if they like Hershey’s. 🙂

    Tony and Kami, Pisces? I seem to be coming across a lot of Pisces lately. Did you know that Minnie is a Pisces, too?

    Natalie, Father’s Day Cake?! That is so very wrong. Someone needs to do some serious making up to you.

    And Nikki, I just knew it wasn’t good to give December babies combination gifts… though "tragically scarred" seems a little extreme. You’re an awesome mom to go through so much trouble to make Lex’s birthday so special. Suddenly, I want to be adopted.

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