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Month: February 2004

Every Block Looks the Same

Every Block Looks the Same

My usual route to work, the most direct one of all the possible ways, is undergoing some kind of construction where it passes the college. So I’ve had to appease my commuter impatience by going another route and taking parallel roads just a little bit out of my way. In doing so, I’ve discovered a couple of things. One, no matter which route you take, they all take about the same amount of time to cover, and two, every block…

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Found in My Hard Drive #1: Google Screenshot, Wanna Wrestle for It?

Found in My Hard Drive #1: Google Screenshot, Wanna Wrestle for It?

Sometimes, on a whim, I like to type “” in Google‘s form and see what comes out. From the search phrase, I can only assume that the results are somehow related to the URL typed in. In September last year, Google told me that World Wrestling Entertainment is somehow related to this site. I have no idea what made me take and save a screenshot of it. I only hope it wasn’t pride. Share this post:

What Bums Do Behind Closed Doors

What Bums Do Behind Closed Doors

I can’t recall what show I was watching—I really wasn’t paying attention. Some conservative pundit was ranting about something that wouldn’t even bother most people. Terms like morality, right, and wrong, were bandied about, and the people about whom he was speaking sounded like the cretin of the earth, the way he described them. Then I thought to myself, oh my God, what does he care, really? Why should it matter what homeless people do? They’re people, just like he…

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Bad [Poetry] From My Writing Past #13: Don’t Tell Me (7/2/1991)

Bad [Poetry] From My Writing Past #13: Don’t Tell Me (7/2/1991)

[…with today’s commentary in brackets.] Don’t tell me the stars Are just balls of fire Which may have died out Long ago. [They’re not just balls of fire. They’re great balls of fire!] Don’t tell me the moon Isn’t made of green cheese Although what you say May be so. [It looks more white than green, wouldn’t you say?] Don’t tell me the sounds That I hear at night Are not made by small Faerie folks. [Actually, that would be…

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I Need New Stuff

I Need New Stuff

I’ve just come to the awful realization that my color inkjet printer is nearly nine years old. It’s a Hewlett Packard DeskJet 855C, and when my mother bought it, it was the best in its class and cost about as much as its model number. It prints at 300 dpi, and you can clearly see dots in each print, as though paper white was one of its inks—not what I use in the prints I sell online, let me assure…

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