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Month: January 2004

Fop Rock: Metrosexuality and the Long-Haired Rocker

Fop Rock: Metrosexuality and the Long-Haired Rocker

I hadn’t planned on writing about this topic, but it was the perfect opportunity for trying out the TrackBack feature so new to me. Jimbo wrote about his experience in a Texas country bar and described himself as metrosexual. According to the Word Spy notes: A metrosexual is a clotheshorse wrapped around a dandy fused with a narcissist. Really, the last time I encountered the word dandy outside of Yankee Doodle was in a historical romance novel I read in…

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The Great Love Story

The Great Love Story

So the Oscar nominations are out, and they’re just as I expected. I watched a lot of grown up movies this year, and by “grown up” I mean well written, well directed, and, well, totally devoid of any Happily Ever After. Mystic River had me crying a river. Monster completely ripped me to shreds. I lost myself in Lost in Translation. And Cold Mountain, good God. Cold Mountain embodied the futility of a salmon swimming upstream to mate just once…

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Meet Me at the Park

Meet Me at the Park

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. Anyone see what I see? Be sure to use your magic eye. Share this post:

You Want Flies With That?

You Want Flies With That?

I was in a discussion with my co-workers the other day about restaurant food and the extra ingredients we sometimes find in them—the proverbial fly in the soup type of conversation. The thing is, we never really think it will happen to us, and it never even occurs to us to look closely at our food before we bite into it. We hear the horror stories and are thoroughly disgusted, but until we have personally experienced it, finding a fly…

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Like a Virgin

Like a Virgin

Please excuse the ongoing mess. This is all new to me. I decided to switch from Greymatter to MovableType this year because I wanted to be able to provide RSS feeds without having to come up with a plug-in or a work-around. It’s a small price to pay to give people what they want, but I can’t avoid the learning curve involved—there are new variables, new scripts, and new ways of doing things. I no longer need to shave my…

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