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Month: November 2003

Bad [Poetry Journal Writing] From My Writing Past #12: Where Have You Gone? (1/31/1995)

Bad [Poetry Journal Writing] From My Writing Past #12: Where Have You Gone? (1/31/1995)

Note: Read aloud I was not on the soggy lawn, talking with Farmer Bob or Harmless Todd, gnawing on cob, or watching the dogs, donkeys, hogs, and other livestock squawking or hee-hawing in the lofts or stalls and gobbling or hobbling or pawing since dawn. I was not at the mall with Roger the Jock, or father, or Don the doddering father’s father, walking along at a crawl with the mob that bothers to shop and stop and shop and…

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So Don’t Do That

So Don’t Do That

Seven seems to be a magic number. If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck. If you marry, you start to feel a restless itch after seven years. If you plan to sue anybody for certain crimes, you have seven years before you reach a statute of limitations. Well… it’s been close to seven years since I’ve moved away from my parent’s house, and only now do I feel like a completely new person. When…

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Yanking Doodles #6: That Old Fokker

Yanking Doodles #6: That Old Fokker

I found this today while clearing some space in my hard drive, but I can’t remember when I drew it. I only know that it was sometime last year, after Dave and I had a brainstorm session of pun-making based on a single word. We came up with a long list of great lines that never got used, half of which I can’t even remember, and this image illustrates only one of them. Can you guess what was on that…

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