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Month: November 2003

Kodak Moment #8: Flippin’ Flips

Kodak Moment #8: Flippin’ Flips

I’ve debated whether or not I should even write this Kodak Moment, as it’s not really one of my own. It rightfully belongs to a young man with whom I went to high school, a young man whom my friend Jenny once called the Filipino Tom Cruise. Filipino Tom Cruise has a name, but for his protection I won’t say what it is. All we ever need to know is that Filipino Tom Cruise was a veritable cutie, a popular…

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This Does Not Bode Well

This Does Not Bode Well

So I had some Chinese take-out food for dinner, and I felt fat and happy with my belly filled. When I opened my fortune cookie, I felt even more content, for my fortune told me, “You will always be successful in your professional career,” and there I was, feeling really good about my art and myself and thinking, I should really iron the little folds out of this fortune paper and keep it someplace safe. So I pulled at the…

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Thank You

Thank You

Since this time last year, my situation has improved somewhat from the near hand-to-mouth, disaster-every-month existence I used to live, and with that in mind, I’m so very thankful. Thanks go especially to those who have in some way monetarily funded my unfortunate art and web habits this year—people like Broch, for being the absolute best patron of the arts and for providing the inspiration that spawned Whimsytoons; Mark, for the challenging commission that inspired me to write this tutorial…

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Holiday Timing

Holiday Timing

It feels so wrong to be getting out the Christmas card list when Thanksgiving hasn’t even rolled around yet, but already the temporary pumpkin patches have turned into temporary Christmas tree lots, all decorated in red and green and of all things advertising custom flocking. (It’s too flocking soon!) Anyway, I already hear the carols and the sleigh bells, which seem odd enough in a snowless region, and I find myself cutting out snowflakes from spare printer paper. It doesn’t…

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Without Conviction

Without Conviction

I used to have some really interesting discussions with a couple of guys at work. Both were regular churchgoers and Christians, though they often disagreed with each other on certain religious points. How often they disagreed fascinated me, since they both believed in Jesus and the Bible and had their sabbath on Saturday; I just couldn’t figure out how they could have such heated debates on the specifics of their faith. In fact, they seemed to agree only when I…

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