Trick or Treat
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The wildfires in my end of the state have forced me to take a good look at my possessions and think about what is most important to me. If you had only 20 minutes to evacuate, and if you had only the space in your car for your belongings, what would you take with you so that it doesn’t burn to the ground, forever lost? Well… all humans and household pets are a given. That’s easy. Next, I would take…
The sunlight streaming in between the blinds earlier today was reddish in hue, an alien light, as though I lived on Mars, and although I missed the sunset today, I’ll wager anything that it was breathtakingly beautiful. Outside, particulates float in the air, covering the cars in a grungy film of ashy debris. That’s what happens when a wildfire rages uncontrollably not 60 miles away. As I write this, over 200 homes have been swallowed by the flames—million-dollar homes at…
When I look up at the starry sky, I see the product of my dreams in bold relief. I often wonder if others see the same, or if their magic eye is sadly blind. Share this post:
Amazing. When I stopped by Walgreens to pick up a prescription, a pile of the latest Harry Potter hardcover books caught my eye. They were selling them for less than $3 each. Three dollars! Considering that the book is 870 pages long, it must have cost more to make and ship the book, and there it was at $3 each. I bought the book, of course. It was on my wish list, but I never got around to getting it…