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Month: September 2003

So Much To Say

So Much To Say

Some days I just have so much to say, to share, and I just can’t for the life of me let it out. It’s like having a conversation with a non-stop talker, and even though you have the perfect story to add to the conversation, so relevant, so on point and so appropriate for the situation, a little bit poignant and a little bit humorous, you just can’t get a word in edgewise. Yeah. Like that—only, in this case, there’s…

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Deadly Wordplay #1: Me, Myself, and I

Deadly Wordplay #1: Me, Myself, and I

My writing is far from perfect. I make mistakes all the time. The typos I generate—the grammatical errors, the misspellings, the malapropisms, all of it—could fill a whole wall of shelves if they were printed up and bound. My one saving grace is that if I catch a mistake, or if someone points one out to me, I will usually correct it. If I find a better way to say something, I go ahead and revise. It’s a throwback to…

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My Body’s in a Whirlwind of Motion this Month

My Body’s in a Whirlwind of Motion this Month

September is turning out to be rowdier than August. August was lazy, hot, slow, and whiny—never wanting to do anything, go anwhere, see anyone. Always wanting to put things off. September, on the other hand, is a workaholic with ADD and a sugar high. I’ve been putting in some overtime at work for the deadlines, and I’ve got more than a few projects lined up for my evening hours—a couple of caricatures, a couple of editing gigs, a couple of…

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My Cat Needs Braces

My Cat Needs Braces

I had to rearrange what little furniture I had so that my cat would stop sleeping on the 6’3″ bookshelf. Not that I have a problem with her sleeping there; I just have a problem with her falling off the damn thing. She tends to have really violent cat dreams. I know because she’s slept on my chest quite a few times and twitched like crazy during the cat version of REM (what the hell is she dreaming, anyway?). Suffice…

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Zilpha Keatley Snyder

Zilpha Keatley Snyder

20 years ago, Zilpha introduced me to the science-fiction and fantasy genre. She wrote for children and young adults, but she never wrote down to her audience. I always felt a little more grown up while reading her stories, and at the end I was always so moved and enlightened. Yesterday, I decided to look up her Green Sky trilogy and found that they were no longer in print. I couldn’t believe it. How could they not be in print?…

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