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Month: July 2003

Secret Message #11: MacGuffin

Secret Message #11: MacGuffin

Some of you are expecting an Easter Egg today, but I’m empty. Empty, I tell you. Consider this post a MacGuffin, a total blank of little importance, in my giant Easter Egg hunt. I wanted to post a link to the advice goddess because I’d read one of her pieces in the paper the other day. Some woman wrote that she was in no way romantically interested in her husband but instead had the hots for Frodo Baggins. I wanted…

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I miss dancing. I don’t mean the kind of dancing done at nightclubs or ballrooms; I was never a club hopping type, and me dancing in dress shoes and a long gown simply has too much comedy, utter humiliation and pain potential. No, the kind of dancing I miss involves a dance studio, a mess of mirrors on the walls, a great dance teacher, and lots of sweaty people in leotards, all lined up and looking in the same direction….

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No Wonder I’m Indecisive

No Wonder I’m Indecisive

Thanks to Suzanne‘s link, I took this test and got this: April, you are one of those rare individuals who are perfectly “balanced” in both your hemispheric tendencies and your sensory learning preferences. However, there is both good news and bad news. A problem with hemispheric balance is that you will tend to feel more conflict than someone who has a clearly established dominance. At times the conflict will be between what you feel and what you think but will…

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Reality Bites

Reality Bites

Is it me, or is the number of reality shows on TV growing exponentially? I remember when the only reality shows used to be People’s Court and Cops, but now there’s Last Comic Standing and The Restaurant, not to mention Cheaters, Blind Date and For Love or Money. I honestly don’t see the attraction. Truly, I don’t. People who love reality shows complain that sitcoms and dramas are contrived. Well, duh. Of course they’re contrived; they are plotted and written,…

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Freebie #1: Braided Rings Pixel Pattern

Freebie #1: Braided Rings Pixel Pattern

I finally decided to make my own pixel patterns, and here is my first one: Feel free to make use of it for your own projects. It looks like this as a background: And like this as a cloth: Here is the original artwork that inspired it: Share this post: