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Month: March 2003

The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

I’ve never really considered myself a geek. I know too many people who have so much more technical knowledge than I do. I never did audio/video in school, never took a programming class, and never put together my own super computer entirely from scratch. I don’t own a PDA, a laptop, a cellphone, or an iPod, and though I drool over computer catalogs almost daily and work on various computers and operating systems both at work and at home, I…

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Enough To Drive You Sick

Enough To Drive You Sick

My recent posts finally caught up with me. The bad karma came back and hit me upside the head. I meant to post something much more fun and meaningful tonight, but due to the circumstances I think I’ll give my brain a rest and post a mundane “Here’s what happened to me today” entry. The cold poem? I guess I must have been a little arrogant towards the end of that post, stating that though my friends were sick I…

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The Fight or Flight Club

The Fight or Flight Club

If I seem a little quiet, you can thank my day job. Looming deadlines at work have petrified me, and I mean rendered me so wooden that a karate-chopping H.E., a jackhammer, and the combined mass of both aren’t enough to relax the rope-tight muscles in my back. I used to take my breaks regularly to loosen up a little, but since one of us left the fold to work at a job where you’re forced to attend the Grammies…

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Bad [Doggerel] From My Writing Past #5: My Cold?

Bad [Doggerel] From My Writing Past #5: My Cold?

I got it from someone who, When they touched the doorknob, I did, too. The virus went from nose to hand, And by the doorknob, hand to hand. From my hand up to my nose Went the virus. There it goes, Through my nose and down my throat. I started talking like a goat, Coughing, sneezing, aching, wheezing. Please don’t joke; I hate the teasing, Runny nose and gooey phlegm, Great ACHOO and small AHEM. I can’t wait to get…

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