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Month: March 2003

Wherefore Art Thou, My Art

Wherefore Art Thou, My Art

Griff’s recent post about theft of his artwork made me think of the one and only time I ever took an art class. It was back in the 7th grade, and it was a quarter-long course, part of what was then called the wheel program… in which you were made to take four electives you would have otherwise never chosen for yourself. I was by that time already doodling little toons on every available blank piece of paper, a habit…

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Celtic Nut

Celtic Nut

I have a new obsession: celtic knots. The Celts were tall, vain, and prone to drinking. The Greek geographer Strabo once wrote of them: “To the frankness and high spiritedness of their temperament must be added the traits of childish boastfulness and love of decoration. They wear ornaments of gold, torgques on their necks, and bracelets on their arms and wrists, while people of high rank wear dyed garments besprinkeld with gold. It is this vanity which makes them unbearable…

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Work in Progress

Work in Progress

I wanted to post something about an old post of mine still getting comments, but I can’t find the fauxtos photos I want to post with it. So, for now it remains a work in progress. In the meantime: I spent about two years hanging out in many of the digital artist communities on the net, so I have a rather bad habit of being nosey about other artist’s techniques. It’s rude, I know it, but I can’t help it;…

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Fauxtography 101

Fauxtography 101

All of last week I had bright yellow daffodils blooming by my bathroom sink. I wanted more than anything to take a photograph of them and then post it online, but I never did receive the digital camera I was hoping to get for Christmas. It’s a shame, too. I’ve wanted to start a little photoblog of sorts, most especially after the coming and going of the Photobloggies. So this weekend, I finally caved in and got myself a Cantoff…

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