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Month: March 2003

Secret Message #7: Knot So Secret

Secret Message #7: Knot So Secret

I feel generous tonight. You already know what the secret message is, and you know it has something to do with that other entry. So rather than just hide the Cracker Jack prize as an Easter Egg that may or may not be found, I’m posting this as a free-for-all. If you use Illustrator or Freehand, this one’s for you: Illustrator (.ai) files of a few celtic knots that I created when I got bored. .sit (72k) / .zip (71k)…

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It Kind of Grows on You

It Kind of Grows on You

Hair… When I first posted about possibly getting a haircut, I never imagined that people would even think twice about it. I mean it’s hair, and unless your armpits never had a hair follicle I’m sure you understand how very commonplace it is. Yet here I am, writing about it again, because months later people are still leaving comments about it—asking questions, sharing opinions and dispensing advice. I’ve also been getting e-mail about it, and backstage, half my search referrals…

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Tonight’s Entry’s Different. Reader’s Mission: Compose Proper Response Within Comments Section

Tonight’s Entry’s Different. Reader’s Mission: Compose Proper Response Within Comments Section

Writing weblog entries wielding gimmicks displays hard-core patience—massive amounts thereof—proving April’s crazy, truly wacky, insane. Any person reading tonight surely believes above statement without question. Explain away? Trying vainly, subtley. Asking’s always helpful. Although, readers checking archives shouldn’t ever worry about asking, shouldn’t ever wonder about writing. Reason? Nothing modern, nothing shiny, nothing mankind hasn’t witnessed exists under mother Gaia’s famous solar body; Sungod’s sunny visage witnessed entire shebang. Capiche? Except… older entry, fewer rhythms; newer entry, tougher moments. Daring…

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All I Really Need To Know…

All I Really Need To Know…

In the course of my searching for my old hair photos and then catching up on at least six months worth of check balancing, a disturbing little thought came to me: I use very little of what I learned in school. I’ve spent over half my life in classes, from pre-kindergarten to a bachelor’s degree, and I’ve learned everything from the story of Beowulf to finding eigenvalues for a matrix. Yet here I am doing “research” for my “report” on…

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The Queen of the Darkling Elves, by Rob Hanshaw

The Queen of the Darkling Elves, by Rob Hanshaw

War. Yes I have an opinion on it, and no I won’t share it. I only bring it up because a friend of mine is out there, and I hope he comes home completely unharmed. He has to. He simply has to… because he and Laurie need to start a basketball team and because he’s far too good a writer to waste. It’s true. He wrote the following story, and I’m posting it with his permission so you can read…

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